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We each experience many blessings by being a part of Market Square Presbyterian Church. Stewardship is a primary way for us to show our gratitude for how we are fed and supported and challenged to be faithful Christians.


In the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), we are connected to all of the other Presbyterian congregations in our denomination. These connections serve us well as we are able to afford to produce worship, educational, and social justice resources. It makes possible a widespread and far-flung global ministry in Christ’s name that is not possible for single congregations to do alone. It provides for the training and nurture of the church’s ministers. 


The administrative costs for this connectivity are shared among all of our Presbyterian congregations through what is called “per capita apportionments.” 


Each congregation is “charged” $31.00 per adult church member. This is paid to the presbytery (Carlisle), which then sends a formulaic part of it to our synod (Trinity) and to the General Assembly. Each congregation must pay $31.00 for each adult member, whether the members pay their per capita cost or not.


Obviously, it helps Market Square Church to stretch its budget when members pay their per capita apportionment. If you would like to help in this way, simply make your check payable to Market Square Presbyterian Church in the amount of $31.00 times the number of adult church members in your household and note on the memo line – “per capita.” You may also use the online giving feature of our website (, using the “Per Capita” line under “General Giving.”


Each month information on the Year to Date Budgeted for the pledge income (which is the total pledge amount prorated equally across the year) and the Year to Date Actual income is provided in the church newsletter. You can find the most recent newsletter beneath the "Resources" menu.

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